
Our research relies on the expertise of those people and institutions who plan, implement and evaluate citizen participation processes in municipalities. Therefore among our collaborators are municipalities, participation consultancies and NGOs.

You are interested in collaborating with us? Please do get in touch! See contact for more information.

Advisory Board & Mentor

Our work is supported through a mentor and an advisory board.

Mentor Dr. Oliver Lah is Head of the Research Unit Mobility and International Cooperation at the Wuppertal Institute and advises us in particular in issues relating to urban planning and the national as well as international discourse on sustainable mobility.

The advisory board supports the research group in fulfilling both its academic as well as transdisciplinary ambitions and makes sure that our research is both scientifically sound as well as useful to practice. It is made up of people from academia and practice who contribute with their expertise to different aspects relevant to our research.

Board memberInstitution
Laura AdamPublic Relations Officer / National Citizens’ Oversight Committee
Dr. Annika Busch-GeertsemaMinistry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing, State of Hessen
Boris HekeleFixMyCity
Achim HertzkeBoard member BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany), North Rhine-Westfalia
Dr. Jan-Hendrik KamlageCenter for Environmental Management, Resources and Energy, Ruhr-University Bochum
Dr. Leonie LangeLandesbetrieb, Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Rolf LührsDEMOS Germany
Prof. Dr. Jens NewigLeuphana University Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus SelleNetzwerkStadt

Network of Social-ecological research

Our group is part of a network of junior research groups funded by the BMBF within the programme “Social-Ecological Research” (FONA). Among those are several that work on issues of sustainable mobility. Apart from CIMT these include Dynamo (Münster & Stuttgart), MoveMe (Berlin & Dortmund) and EXPERI (Berlin). Each of these groups pursues a distinct research approach that offer multiple perspectives on mobility.